What big teeth by Rose Szabo

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Eleanor Zarrin has been sent home from boarding school after an undisclosed horrifying incident. Her grandmother had sent her away and she has had no contact with her family for years. When she arrives at her home, it is difficult for her to fit in with her strange family – a mother who has weird skin and sits in a bathtub of water, a grandfather and cousin who howl in the woods, a sister who has grown away from her and a father who is ineffectual. Then there is Arthur a being that some members of her family are in love with. When her grandmother dies reading the tarot cards, Eleanor is left in charge of the family and must learn about the darkness that she knows lives inside her.

This is a dark and complex tale that would appeal to fans of horror. The reader is constantly trying to work out what is going on in this monstrous family and just what skills and background each of the family members has. The arrival of Eleanor’s other grandmother and the way that she can manipulate people deepens the suspense and provides even more horror to the story.

A tale for older readers, its great cover and title could make an effective centre piece for a display of horror stories. Readers may also enjoy The forest of hands and teeth by Carrie Ryan, The woods are always watching by Stephanie Perkins and the collection of short stories in Hometown haunts.

Themes: Horror, Gothic, Werewolves, Good and evil.

Pat Pledger
