
The climate cure by Tim Flannery

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Professor Tim Flannery’s latest publication is a wake-up call to all Australians by a scientist who demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the Climate emergency. The Climate Cure examines the past mistakes and consequences of inaction but more importantly offers clear actions that can be taken to cure the problem.

Flannery demands a new approach, based on the nation’s response to COVID-19: 

First, stemming the spread of its cause by cutting the use of fossil fuel, developing the use of alternative fuels such as hydrogen, electric vehicle transport, and biofuels, cooperating with and leading other nations in the ‘win-win’ world created by cheap renewables.

Second, in the same manner as COVID, the world needs to develop the equivalent of ‘emergency rooms’ to shelter the worst effected of Earth’s ecosystems and worst affected human populations e.g. bushfire and heatwave preparedness.

Third, drawdown, or CO2 removal, acting as a vaccine for the fossil fuel pandemic. Drawdown being what trees, seaweed and other photosynthesis organisms do.

The author, chief councillor of the Climate Council and former Australian of the Year, presents his information and analysis clearly and logically, supported by interesting and relevant facts and extensive footnotes.

This book is short but it packs a powerful punch.

Students may be interested in 13 year old Izzy Raj-Seppings interview with the author.

Paul Pledger