Yoga babies by Fearne Cotton

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Ill. by Sheena Dempsey. New Frontier, 2018. ISBN 9781925594072
(Age: 3+) Highly recommended. Yoga babies by Fearne Cotton is a gorgeous story which follows the daily routines and lives of some very cute little people and their families. Each page shows a different family and how a different Yoga pose has been incorporated into their day. The pictures are beautiful and really entice the reader into the book, with great colour, movement and spacing.
I have read this about 20 times to my 3 year old since receiving it to review- she really loves it! We love the rhythm each page brings and she is able to 'read' with me and say the last rhyming word of the sentence. I have also watched her go from having no interest in Yoga (and not knowing about it at all) to wanting to try the poses and copy the children in the story. This book has lived next to her bed and has certainly become a firm favourite in our night time routine. I especially love the page where the mum has had a bad day and then uses Yoga as a way to calm down and reset for the rest of the day.
This book would also be a great addition to an early childhood classroom, through its easy introduction to Yoga and simple, realistic prompts within the story. An educator could read the book at an appropriate wind down time, thus engaging the students with the poses and hopefully allowing for a more relaxed group.
Overall I really enjoyed reading this book, both for the fun rhythmic story and the beautiful, colour filled illustrations. 5 out of 5 from myself and Miss 3!
Lauren Fountain