Wimpy Shrimpy by Matt Buckingham

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Scholastic, 2014. ISBN 97817426761022.
(Age: 4+) Shrimpy is a worry wart so when his friends ask him to play he always says no - what if he got hurt or lost? One day, Shrimpy realises no one has asked him to play and he feels lonely. There is only one way to not feel lonely but is Shrimpy brave enough to play with his friends no matter the consequence?
Wimpy Shrimpy is a cute story about how important it is to try new things and be brave. It has gorgeous illustrations to engage the readers and will be enjoyed by children aged 4+; the text is suitable for independent readers aged 7+ and it would work well with the Child Protection curriculum in schools, encouraging children to discuss ways to be safe and the mixed feelings we can have.
Kylie Kempster