White Ninja by Tiffiny Hall

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Harper Collins Publishers, 2012, 229 pgs., p/b. ISBN: 9780732294533.
Recommended for readers 12+. Tiffany Hall, Taekwondo black belt and personal fitness trainer on Channel Ten's The Biggest Loser has written her first children's novel, White Ninja.
White Ninja revolves around Year 7 student Roxy, who lacks confidence and is bullied at school. There are 2 gates at school and Roxy and her friend Cinnamon have yet to make it through Gate 1 for the cool, popular kids. Roxy is bullied by Hero, captain of the school's martial arts team who starts his day with his mates bullying the Gate 2 students. Although her mum is a retired ninja who often disappears for weeks at a time, returning last time with a black eye, Roxy feels she is a normal teen until she gets provoked in a school fight with Hero and discovers she also has ninja abilities. After the fight, Roxy meets good-looking Jackson Axe a new Year 10 student who knows what is going on with Roxy and also tells Roxy he needs her help.
Hall's research is evident with her understanding of the reasons why kids are bullied and her reasons for popularity. Hall also demonstrates her knowledge with her fight descriptions and the mention of a zero sugar warrior diet; this is very much a Tiffany Hall book. This is an action-packed, easy to read book. A good story for students who feel they don't fit in at school, portraying a good message that with more confidence you can do whatever you set your mind to. In White Ninja, Roxy learns her true fighting spirit and finally finds a place where she fits in.
Michelle Thomson