What will you make today? by Maura Pierlot. Illus. by Triandhika Anjani

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With an emphasis on the word YOU, this picture book asks questions to encourage readers to think about how they contribute to the environment in which they live. The children are camping and when they get up in the morning, questions are asked about the practical aspects of the day. Do you make your own bed, or breakfast, onto the more imaginative: did you make believe, or make noise, or make friends. Each question will encourage young readers to think about how they contribute to their family’s day, and their environment as they live each day.

The emphasis changes as children are asked about making a discovery, a decision, a team and a plan. Each of these challenge the readers to think about things outside themselves, as they work with others. They can affect change working together. A challenge again appears, as children are asked to make a start, make progress, make time for others, and time for themselves.

The scope of the tale opens as the question is asked if they are making time for today and then tomorrow, pointing them in the direction of planning something for the future. This leads back to the opening question, ’In a world where anything’s possible, what will you do today? ‘

Designed to encourage readers to think about change and what part they may play, the questions on each page will stimulate plenty of thought and discussion as children ponder their part of their world.

Subtle, understated illustrations fill every page, showing children at their campsite, making decisions making friends, planning, deciding, even making mistakes. 

Readers will readily identify with the activities shown on each page, and add their own list of when they make decisions, or made the bed, or friends.  

On the last page is a diagram of the six understandings promoted in the text and illustrations, encouraging children to participate in the world in which they live. Teacher's notes are available.

Themes: Understandings, Environment, Decision making, Friendship.

Fran Knight
