Weird little robots by Carolyn Crimi

Illus. by Corrina Luyken.Walker Books, 2020. ISBN: 9781406387988.
pbk., 240pp.
(Age: 8-11) Recommended. As the title suggests, Weird little
robots is centred on robots created out of bits and pieces.
Eleven year old Penny Rose Mooney is new to town and more
importantly, new to her school. Her father is an entomologist who
has taken over responsibility for running the household as Penny
Rose's mother has a new job in a bank which is why they have moved.
She is an only child who spends her time in her own ramshackle shed
constructing small robots out of anything she can find such as
dentures, a calculator and an old mobile phone. She gives the robots
names and talks to them as if they are real. Penny Rose's neighbour
across the road is Lara Hinkle who is in her class at school and is
seen as a geek by her classmates. Lara constructs bird houses and
has a relationship with the birds who live in them. She wears large
sunglasses at all times and is a loner. Penny Rose's parents
encourage her to make friends with Lara and through a series of
amusing events this eventually happens.
Mysteriously, after a cold wind blows through the shed, the robots
come to life. Lara, who is sceptical about the robots at first, comes
to love the robots as much as Penny Rose and together the two
friends construct an amazing metropolis for the robots called
RoboTown. At Lara's instigation the girls sign a proclamation
promising never to discuss the robots with another living soul.
However as what happens so often with girls and friendships, one of
the friends decides to choose another more popular group over her
true friend. The pull of belonging to a Secret Science Society is
just too much for Penny Rose and she abandons her friendship with
Lara. After some very difficult challenges for Penny Rose, she
eventually realises that Lara is her true friend and they carefully
rebuild their relationship and slowly form friendships with other
Throughout the story are clever black and white illustrations which
perfectly reflect the text and keep the reader engaged. This is an
enjoyable read for middle primary students. Themes: Girls,
Friendship, New school, New challenges, STEM, Inventions, Science.
Kathryn Beilby