Warrior princess series by Allan Frewin Jones

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Book 1: Rhiannon of the spring. London: Hodder Children's Books, 2009. ISBN 9780340999387.
Book 2 Destiny's path. London: Hodder Children's Books, 2010. ISBN 9780340999394.
(Age 13+ ) In Rhiannon of the spring Branwen has been happy in her home, the Centref of Cyffin Tir, learning defensive battle moves and hunting with her brother Geraint. For the first fourteen years of her life there has been peace in her land, but lately the Saxons have been raiding, killing people in outlying villages and stealing cattle. A mysterious woman in white appears to her and prophesies that she will defend her people as a warrior princess. In Destiny's path, the saga continues after Branwen has defended her home and fought back the invaders. She sees a terrible vision of what might befall her land if she doesn't follow the path that the Shining Ones have ordained for her. Racing to Gwylan Canu with Rhodri and Blodwedd, an owl girl, she tries to warn Iwan's father of an impending invasion by the Saxons, and arrives to find betrayal and to fight a fierce battle.
Despite the misleading covers, showing a beautiful young woman with bee-stung lips and make-up, wearing a rather modern chiffon dress that is totally unsuited to a sword wielding warrior, Branwen is a strong and engaging heroine, a natural leader who gathers followers on her way to fulfil the ancient prophesy. In Destiny's path, she engages a group of young women who long to fight for their homeland and who battle beside her in their struggle against the Saxons. Rhodri, Blodwedd and Iwan fall under her sway and this little group is set to have more adventures in subsequent books in the series.
Both book 1 and 2 are full of action and adventure, with some blood thirsty fighting and threats of terrible torture and will appeal to teenage girls.
Pat Pledger