Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt

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Bloomsbury, 2020. ISBN: 9781526615251. 214pp.
(Age: 8 - 12) Bloomsbury has republished this delightful story, originally written in 1975.  With beautiful cover illustrations and chapter headings created by Melissa Castrillon, this edition is one to treasure.  The story of Winner Foster, who is kidnapped by the Tuck family, learns in time of the family's secret of immortality, once its members have drunk from a spring in the wood. It is a classic tale, not lengthy, and simply told, and it has endured through past decades, thoughtfully revealing great wisdom about life and death.  Natalie Babbitt was awarded the inaugural E. B. White Award for achievement in children's literature. Tuck Everlasting has been adapted into two feature films and a Broadway musical.
A must read for all generations.
Julie Wells