Trains trains trains! by Donna David and Nina Pirhonen

cover image

Any young child who is interested in machines or methods of transport will be drawn to the eye-catching blue foil cover of Trains trains trains! with its colourful train full of cute little cartoon figures. There are five trains to find on each double page spread, the illustrations matching the text. This has an internal rhyme which lends itself to being read aloud. Young children will ask for this book to be read to them again and again and will soon be able to chant along with the narrative, while emerging readers will enjoy having a go at reading for themselves or to younger siblings.

Short trains
Long trains
Something's gone wrong trains!

Steam trains
Dream Trains,
Listen to them puff.

It is a lot of fun to see all the different types of the 50 trains featured, from very fast modern trains to old steam trains, freight trains and even ‘chugging thought the cold trains’. At the back is an extra fold out page with all the trains grouped together and children are asked to choose their favourite.

The illustrations are very bright and cheerful and the facial expressions on the drivers and passengers are appealing, sure to charm the young child. There is also a Did you spot …? section where children are asked if they saw one of the tiny details in the pictures and the answers are given using the numbers with which the trains are labelled. Plus, there are tips for parents and carers when reading together.

Trains trains trains! is an amusing and informative book that will be welcomed by pre-school children.

Themes: Trains, Transport.

Pat Pledger