The world of Ruby Red Shoes: A book about Ruby's day by Kate Knapp

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Angus and Robertson, 2019. ISBN 9781460756935.
(Age: Preschool - 7) Recommended. Ruby Red Shoes is a little white hare and in this volume she shares her day with her readers. Using rhyme to good advantage, the reader is taken from the time Ruby wakes up, gets dressed, has breakfast and goes off to school. Then it is time for her to play, have lunch and a rest, get some exercise and share the day with a special person. At home she spends some time in the garden, meditates and after dinner and a bath it is time to go to bed.
Readers will love the soft illustrations of Ruby and her friends, all of which will resonate with the young, as they follow Ruby's familiar routine. Some will want to try Ruby's quiet time:
Here is a secret I'd like to share
About how I remain a very calm hare...
I close my eyes and start at my nose,
Relaxing my body, right down to my toes.

This would make a lovely read aloud for younger children and those who are just learning to read might like to have a go at some of the rhymes in the book.
A feel good book A book about Ruby's day is sure to be a keeper for those who are lucky enough to own it. Others about Ruby Red Shoes are Learn with Ruby Red Shoes series and Ruby Red Shoes goes to London.
Pat Pledger