The Starbound Trilogy: This Shattered World by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner

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Hyperion Books, 2014. ISBN 9781743319703
(Age: 16+) Highly recommended. The People of Avon are at war on a still-terra-forming planet. They think that there are only two sides to the war: military and rebel forces. How wrong they are . . .
Following the journey of military captain, Lee Chase and rebel leader, Flynn Cormac, two of the most notorious names on Avon, this second instalment fights to show that La Roux Industries was working in secret throughout the galaxy. During their first meeting Captain Chase and Cormac fight tooth and nail to gain the upper hand. Chase is the superior fighter and famous for being a bloodthirsty killer, while Cormac is simply fishing for information. He is well educated for the Fianna and at first Chase thinks that he's an off worlder, but her hopes are quashed when she is drugged and taken east to a secret facility that Cormac had discovered. It wasn't military and it wasn't Fianna. Confused and frightened, Cormac takes Chase to the caves where the Fianna live, hoping to make a trade with the military for information. He is desperately worried about his planet and why it isn't progressing. After three generations of colonists the planet is still unable to support life. But this mystery is too mysterious for the Fianna, and for the military as well. The pair become outlaws from their own homes and must forge ahead to discover the truth and save their people from the Fury, a mind altering illness which drives people to murder one another without discrimination.
Unexpectedly, the second instalment introduces new main characters into the trilogy while Tarver and Lilac La Roux keep a low profile, hiding in some far corner of the galaxy, only to come out when most needed.
Although I am no lover of science fiction I would highly recommend this for young people over the age of sixteen who have an interest in sci-fi and romance.
Kayla Gaskell, age eighteen.