The music makers by Meredith Costain and Danielle McDonald

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Olivia's Secret Scribbles book 8. Scholastic, 2019, ISBN: 9781760660048.
(Age: 6+) Recommended. Themes: Musical instruments, Diaries, School. Olivia loves to share her special thoughts and record her school life in her secret diary, scribbling, sharing her feelings and drawing her activities. After The Music Makers give a special performance at the school assembly, they share their musical instruments with Olivia's class. When Bethany suggests their Year 2 class perform a musical item at next week's assembly, all the students come up with lots of fun ideas. Mr. Platt their teacher suggests they play a recorder song, but that doesn't work out.
With a little creative planning, Olivia comes up with an exciting concept: create new musical instruments by reusing and upcycling things from home and school. With everyone on board, some of her class research ideas on the computer and Olivia seeks help from Mr. Snarski in the library. To add to the excitement and creativity, there's a little mystery when their instruments are sabotaged at night. What a special super-duper performance, each class member has a special role, even Mr. Platt helps create a unique sound wall!
The music makers is Meredith Costain's delightful eighth book in the popular series, filled with bright bubbly characters, plenty of creativity, teamwork and fun. Splashes of purple bring a liveliness, with Danielle McDonald capturing the excitement, the preparations and the unique musical instruments.
Rhyllis Bignell