The modern by Anna Kate Blair

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The Modern is Anna Kate Blair’s first novel. It is set in New York and is all about Sophia. Sophia is an Australian from Sydney who is a fellow at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Sophia is a passive participant in her own life and appears to sleep walk through life. She finds it difficult to articulate what she really wants from life and allows circumstance and others to determine her fate. Her fascination is with what it means to be modern.

In Sophia’s working world, her research centres on Grace Hartigan. Grace is an abstract impressionist painter who moved to New York and was recognised for her work that explored the societal expectations placed on women.  Of particular reference for this novel are her paintings Grand Street Brides, June Bride and Wedding Day.

At the beginning of the novel, Sophia accepts an impromptu marriage proposal from Robert who immediately sets out on a 5-month hiking trek. Alone, and with time on her hands, Sophia becomes introspective and obsesses with the aspects of her life, past and present, to the extent that her ruminations present a daily struggle.

Sophia is also ambitious. Her career is important to her, provides her with focus and has the driving seat. At the same time, Sophia is conflicted about her sexual identity. It is this that drives the narrative as Sophia wrestles with her changing perceptions of marriage, her engagement, desire and love. The reader will at times feel compassion for Sophia and at others deep frustration or exasperation.

Is this obsession with self what it means to be modern? This is something for the reader to decide.

Themes: Relationships (friends, romance), LGBTQ, Identity, Feminism.

Linda Guthrie
