The Haunted School by Deborah Abela

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Ghost Club. Random House, 2012. ISBN 978174275083.
(Age: Primary school) It's hard to fit in with the other kids at school when you spend your spare time catching ghosts.
Angeline and her twin brother Edgar are members of the Ghost Club and are responsible for fixing paranormal problems that sometimes trouble the human world. Problems like vortexes, paranormal forces and hauntings. Of course the job demands some very special tools of trade such as Trackers which can detect the presence of ghosts, Circuit Breakers and Atomisers. These high tech goodies are carried in satchels that the twins take with them when they are sent on a mission, as well as their protective clothes and shoes.
People generally find talk of ghosts a little scary, which is why Angeline and Edgar try to keep a low profile at school. Most kids already think they're a little weird and for a bully like Travis, the twins are the perfect target. When Travis suspects Angeline and Edgar belong to the Ghost Club he is determined to spy on them.
Meanwhile, a ghost is haunting their school, Gravesend College. They need to find out who she is and why she is so troubled. Unfortunately, that means having to reveal their club membership to the principal, who most certainly does not approve of their extra curricular past time. If that isn't bad enough, Travis is determined to make as much trouble for them as he can.
Part of the Ghost Club series, The Haunted School is certain to delight primary school readers who enjoy mystery, adventure and all things supernatural. The novel is also a comment on the perils of bullying, which is a very topical subject.
Tina Cain