The great barbie disaster by Tania Ingram

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Ill. by Christina Miesen. Mates series. Omnibus, 2016. ISBN 9781742991245
(Age: 6+) Highly recommended. Humour. I love the Mates series of books, giving newly independent readers short easy read chapters, copiously illustrated, with some words in a different font to mull over.
In this funny tale, Dad is one of a long line of do it yourselfers, and when it comes to the backyard barbie, he wants to try out his skills. But he is not like his brothers who are legendary in the things they build. In this tale, Dad tries three different ways to build a barbie,but each attempt ends in disaster.
Readers will laugh out loud at his various attempts and the results of his dubious carpentry.
His first attempt uses an old metal box which he attaches to a old table. The barbie ends up in flames. His second attempt uses some old tyres and most children would be able to predict what happens when tyres accidentally catch alight. His third attempt sees him using an old wheelbarrow, and so convinced is he that this will work that the family is invited around the next day. But of course an amazing series of events sees this barbie end in chaos, and without drawing breath, Dad is planning the next. A very funny look at families and how they interact forms the background of this tale.
Fran Knight