The Gateway by Cerberus Jones

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The Midnight Mercenary bk 3. Hardie Grant Egmont, 2015. ISBN 9781760120306
(Ages 8+) Science Fiction. The Gateway is a hotel with a difference as the family who purchase it discover in the first of the series. Written by a trio of writers this is the third book to explore the interaction between The Gateway's human inhabitants and the intergalactic travellers who pass through the hotel.
A raging storm and a power failure make for a dramatic opening to this episode and an opportunity for Charlie to create mischief. The arrival of Tom announcing the imminent arrival of twenty children from the alien world creates some turmoil but not as much as his information that another unannounced visitor had arrived, the feared Krskn and that he had already captured Scott, the father, who was endeavouring to fix the fuses. Krskn is contracted to capture one of the alien children but is keen to take back and sell a variety of subjects including Mum, Charlie and Grawk Amelia's pet.
The arrival of two groups of Scouts, one group human and the other aliens in disguise, the anticipation of a Keeper arriving to protect the alien children from Krskn, and the continuously disappearing adults, creates suspense reminiscent of a horror movie especially as the action all takes place in the dark or semi-dark.
It is up to Charlie and Amelia to save the day and for the family to reassure both the human and alien visitors when the new day dawns.
Having not read the previous books in the series it was easy to catch up with the characters and their relationships as the story continued.
Sue Keane