The first tackle by Rikki-Lee Arnold

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Daniella (Dani) Murphy is determined to play rugby league, but she keeps getting the message that girls don’t play footy. She is determined to play like her brothers, but since her mum passed away her grandma says no, and her dad says nothing. Dani is determined to show them that she is as good as any of the boys and can play. She has been training with her older brother and is getting good until a terrible accident that threatens her dream.

Dani doesn’t give up and with the inspiration of another local girl playing footy she is determined. Her brother comes up with a ploy to help her prove to her family that she has what it takes. Once her family see how passionate she is and that she can play they are reluctant but willing to let her have a go. Dani realizes that her family are not being mean when they say no, they are just overprotective since her mother passed away. In the end Dani is able to follow her dream and prove that girls can play footy.

This book highlights that you can achieve your dream if you are willing to work for it. Teacher's notes are available.

I recommend this book.

Themes: Rugby League, Girls, Sexism, Persistence.

Karen Colliver