The exploding life of Scarlett Fife by Maz Evans

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What kid would not read this book with an opening line “I AM SO ANGRY I THINK MY BUM MIGHT FALL OFF”.

The Exploding Life of Scarlett Fife is an awesome, hilarious read, exploding with humour and very, very BIG FEELINGS. Scarlett Fife will quickly become a friend of all readers. If you’re a fan of Roald Dahl’s Matilda you will absolutely become a fan of Scarlett Fife.

Maz Evans the author of some of the funniest books I’ve read like Who Let The God’s Out? series has managed to bring us a modern day Matilda called Scarlett. Scarlett uses her own feelings of anger to affect things. She has no control over her feelings and mostly explodes things up instead of controlling them.

Scarlett gets into big trouble after her BIG FEELINGS episode at her auntie’s engagement when she makes a hamster run into the vicar’s trousers. You can just picture what happens. She is told by her mum that if she loses her temper one more time she will miss out her trip to Mega Awesome Sicky Fun World which is the best theme park on the planet.

From here, Scarlett tries very hard to control her temper and discovers that every time she bottles up her feelings inside of her things start to explode. Like, really explode. It’s hard for her to control her feelings especially when there is a bully around and family thing issues.

I found when reading we encounter real problems and frustrations that children experience. Both boys and girls will relate to Scarlett. The book is very diverse and readers will probably find situations they have experienced. Characters are great, my favourite was Scarlett and her friend Masie. Also, Chris Jevon's illustrations throughout the book were awesome to look at.

If you want a good laugh I highly recommend The Exploding Life of Scarlett Fife. Just remember that you won’t want to put it down.  

Themes: Emotions, Anger.

Maria Komninos