The Dyasters by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast

Pan Macmillian, 2019. ISBN: 9781760554163. paperback, 308 pg.
(Age: 11 - Young adults) Teenagers who can control the elements
(air, water, fire and earth) are being hunted down by a mad
scientist that genetically engineered them to do this while in their
mother's womb. What is there not to like in a paranormal book?
The story is about Foster and Tate and how they are drawn together
with their element of air which they never knew they had until they
turned eighteen. Their relationship and bond grow as they learn to
live together in hiding because they are being chased by the Core
Four of Eve, Luke Matthew and Mark. The Core Four are sent by Dr
Stewart the mad scientist. Foster and Tate are two of eight
teenagers that the Core Four are hunting down. It was good to meet
Charlotte and Bastien with the element of water.
It is definitely a YA (Young Adult) novel with some action but
mainly relationship stories. I found some cheesy but did enjoy
reading the book. The graphic pictures were good and helped you
visualise what happening.
Overall, I think readers are going to enjoy reading this series with
the quirky characters and romance. The paranormal aspects of the
elements add some action into the story. Looking forward to meeting
the next four teenagers with the elements of fire and earth and what
will happen to the Core Four with Dr Stewart.
I think it's aimed at females 11 to young adults.
Maria Komninos