The Cuckoo by Gary Crew

Ill. by Naomi Turvey. Ford St Publishing, 2014. ISBN: 9781925000177.
Recommended. Picture book for older children. About twenty-five
years ago, Gary Crew was my oldest daughter's drama teacher. My
middle daughter was great mates with Gary's son, as they were
mischief makers in the same primary class. When Gary's first novel
was published within 18 months of that time, I naturally was
interested and intrigued to read it. I have been an avid reader of
Gary's work ever since and have enjoyed many of his presentations at
conferences or local news interviews over the years.
There is no doubt at all that Gary's novels are powerful and
compelling but in my opinion it is his own passion for illustrated
books that give even more impact to his 'picture books'.
The Cuckoo is somewhat dark - even bleak- but explores themes all
too common and pertinent. Bullying, neglected and abused children,
forgiveness, independence and self-belief are among analogies that
can be drawn from this text. It has an almost mythical quality
to it and is well enhanced by Turvey's exquisite illustrations which
are both detailed and haunting.
Martin is the singular central character. Without a mother,
tormented by a overbearing father and two brothers, Martin looks to
the forest for solace and the small creatures he befriends become
part of his salvation and strength. The ideas of both sacrifice and
forgiveness are predominant in Martin's eventual triumph.
An intriguing and multi-layered book, this is recommended for older
children for whom it could be a provocation for many philosophical
Sue Warren