The colourful world of Poppy Starr Olsen by Jess Black. Illus. by Poppy Starr Olsen

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The Colourful World of Poppy Starr Olsen is an unusual book to categorise. It is non-fiction, a real-life story, told as if through Poppy's voice by the author Jess Black. Black is an established Australian author. Her books including the Mr Walker, Peppercreek Ponies and Little Paws series are well known to children everywhere. In The Colourful World of Poppy Starr Olsen, Walker becomes the voice of the Australian regular-footed professional skateboarder Poppy Starr Olsen. Poppy's voice is captured so authentically that one is sure that Poppy is sitting right next to her and that Black has spent a lot of time with Poppy's family. Poppy has collaborated with Walker by illustrating the book all the way through with her cute little drawings.

From the get-go, the reader is given a first hand invitation into the heart of the Olsen family. The story unfolds through Poppy's voice. We begin as the family cliff jump into the ocean somewhere along the coast near Bondi where they live. The whole family is into adventure and action. Competition is in their veins - everything is a competition. They never sit still. They are an active together family.  The family live near the Bondi skate park. Poppy loves skating but it's overwhelmingly a boy's sport. Poppy skates because she loves it. She works constantly to improve her skills. The edgy narrative is full of lists, advice and explanations as Poppy tells us about her life with accompanying illustrations.

Quickly we arrive at the crux of the story. After achieving entrance for girls in the boys only skateboarding competition as a result of a letter of petition, Poppy is faced with the imminent threatened council closure of the skateboard park because of apparent disreputable people and activities associated with skateboard parks. Poppy is a natural activist and so she gears up with the determination that she brings to everything.

Not only is Poppy a skateboarder; she is also an artist.  At a young age she began to sell her paintings at the Bondi market so she could fund her skateboarding world. She is an absolute self starter of a character.  A civics and citizenship project at school is just the thing for a girl like Poppy to get her teeth into as she becomes an active and contributing citizen at an early age.

It is quite a rare opportunity for children to read a book by and about a real life role model Australian Olympiad - a girl not much older than them. Her high octane, completely fair approach to life, her concerns and her battles may be inspiring for young people. Her gutsiness, determination and resilience are a marvel. 

Poppy featured in the documentary Tall Poppy, currently screening on ABC iview, has done a TedX talk and has been interviewed for many television shows. She is mentored by Layne  Beachley and sponsored by Vans and Visa. 

Primary to Middle  Years readers will find The Colourful World of Poppy Starr Olsen an interesting, engaging and inspiring read.

Themes: Skateboarding, Activism, Family life, Resilience, Art.

Wendy Jeffrey
