The bum book by Kate Mayes

Ill. by Andrew Joyner. Harper Collins, 2017. ISBN 9780733332197
(Ages 2-7) Themes: Bottoms. This is a fun book chock full of bums,
bums, nothing but bums. Queen bum, horsey bum, had too much sun bum,
let's all leave the room bum, wobbly bum... Bums of all shapes,
sizes, colours and smells are represented. As the text itself says
"Everyone has a bum" and this aims to normalise bums, both the word
and the physical bum itself.
Very young children will like all the different bums, older children
will think it is hilarious and there is even humour targeted more
towards adults.
Andrew Joyner's illustrations provide fantastic visual humour as
always. I imagine he had a great time with these bright, in your
face, larger than life bums.
This unique dictionary of bums will provide a chuckle for readers of
all ages.
Nicole Nelson