The boy and the spy by Felice Arena

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Puffin Books, 2017. ISBN 9780143309284
(Age: 9+) Highly recommended. The Boy and the Spy, tells the story of Antonio who lives in Italy during World War 2. Antonio lives with his adopted mother and they do not have much. By chance, Antonio discovers an injured American spy called Chris. Antonio is invisible in his community due to being an orphan from birth. This gives him the chance to help Chris as well as to spy for him. Another chance moment sees Antonio meeting a family who are members of the resistance. What follows is more adventure, tragedy and escape. Can Antonio continue spying and not get caught? Will Chris make it home? What will happen to Antonio after the death of his beloved adopted mother?
The Boy and the Spy is an emotional adventure set against the backdrop of Italy and war. Author, Felice Arena, shows the tragedy of this war in a caring and descriptive way while keeping the reader on the edge of their seat. It is an easy text to read and follow, opening up a war that a young reader will have no knowledge of. Readers will be cheering for courageous Antonio.
Kylie Kempster