The awesome book of space: The world's most awesome facts by Adam Frost

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Bloomsbury, 2018. ISBN 9781408896501
(Age: 8+) Highly recommended. Subjects: The Universe. Space. General Knowledge. Award-winning UK author Adam Frost continues to deliver another exciting information book jam-packed with the strange, the record-breaking and the amazing. His focus is the Universe beginning with Arthur the alien, who wants to return home using helium balloons! For his size - 26 kgs - he will need over 2000 balloons! Written in a conversational style directly addressing the reader, Frost takes us on a wild ride, up into the thermosphere, then looks at freefalling back to Earth being caught in a giant net.
How many pairs of underpants would you need for a year on a space- station? There are no washing machines, so what happens to the used ones - they become shooting stars! What happens when the next asteroid hits the earth? Scientists have suggested catching it with a giant drawstring bag and setting robot drills to eat the rock and return the smaller pieces into space.
Each double page spread is creatively designed with bold backgrounds, fun fact boxes, colourful diagrams, graphs and cartoons. Hero or Zero discusses the impact of zero gravity in a space station, tears just stay under your eyes, magnetic cutlery is needed and your bed is strapped to the wall or ceiling.
Adam Frost has gathered information from all over the Universe, recorded alien sightings, birthdays on other planets, even extreme exoplanets.
The awesome book of space is a mini-almanac of information that can be enjoyed by the space enthusiast, shared with family and friends or as an excellent resource for the classroom and library.
Rhyllis Bignell