Swoop by Nicole Godwin. Illus. by Susannah Crispe

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This glorious picture book written by Nicole Godwin will become a firm favourite of younger readers. The striking end papers and bold illustrations by Susannah Crispe will delight the reader and perfectly complement the simple yet captivating text. Many children and adults have experienced the trauma of a swooping magpie and walk outdoors in trepidation particularly during nesting season. All sorts of deterrents by humans have been used to try to protect and disguise themselves but the magpie persists. After all, magpies are protecting their eggs and young ones.

 The text flows beautifully throughout the book and the use of action words such as “Swoop Swoop Swoopety Swoop” gives the story plenty of movement. In the final pages, there is interesting information about magpies as well as some Indigenous names for magpies and a message about their importance in Aboriginal Culture and Story. This wonderful book will be a popular read in the upcoming swooping season in Australia!

Teacher Notes can be found here.

Themes: Birds, Magpies, Nests, Safety.

Kathryn Beilby