Super Geeks: Planet pancake by James Hart

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Planet Pancake is the second book in the Super Geeks series, written by James Hart. The story is about a boy named Zeek Emerson, his best friend Arnie and his loveable pet fish Eleanor. Zeek has a one tracked mind for ‘World Domination’. His friend Arnie is kind, reliable and inventive; ingeniously creating imaginative models. Eleanor is Zeek’s shrewd pet fish, but she hasn’t been sparking on all cylinders since his last attempt at world power.

While seeking world power and control, Zeek hears of treasure that can be found at the edge of the world. He sees this as a full proof way to fuel his world supremacy. But how will he get there? His supportive friend Arnie and he work together to invent and build a super ship, that they name the Enchilada. Together, with Eleanor, they set off on an adventure to find the much-anticipated treasure. How will they go in their quest? Will they encounter problems or prizes? Will Zeek finally find the success and power that he seeks?

This novel is extremely fast paced with a highly energetic storyline. At times it has so much going on that it is hard to keep up! Cleverly, the author introduces the main characters at the beginning of the story. This is a successful technique, so if you have missed reading the first story you are able to catch up and read this one without any major gaps. An easy read, it will keep the reader interested with each page featuring great black and white cartoon pictures and speech text. This book contains adventure and fun and would appeal to anyone who loves to also use their imagination and invent new ideas. Zeek and Arnie are quirky, yet relatable characters and the storyline will keep the reader intrigued as to what is going to happen next.

Themes: Inventions, Problem solving, Friendship, Humour.

Michelle O'Connell