Super geeks : Fish and chips by James Hart

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Fish and Chips introduces us to Zeek and Arnie, best friends since infancy. Arnie is admirable. On the other hand, Zeek’s obsession means that Arnie puts up with a LOT. Clearly, though it’s only Vol 1, James Hart has plans for growing Zeek’s character.

Zeek is a megalomaniac focused on world domination. Arnie, his workhorse, definitely has the skills to help his friend achieve his goals. Despite Arnie’s reservations, he allows Zeek to implant a microchip into the brain of Eleanor - Arnie’s goldfish.  Eleanor learns so much in one night, that she is in a position to bring the earth to its knees with an army of robots controlled by fish - aka “FishBots”.

Zeek is furious to be pipped at the post by Arnie’s goldfish, but everyone must pull together to save the planet. Zeek needs to prioritize catastrophe ahead of his ego and an unlikely mentor emerges in Gunther, who owns Tech Hedz, where the boys buy all their electronics.

You’ll won’t waste any time finding out if the friends prevent WORLD DOMINATION at the hands of Eleanor, because the graphic novel genre makes Fish and Chips a super quick read. The final pages “About the Author” are entertaining too.

Illustrator James Hart has gone solo for his new Super Geeks series after a solid partnership with author Tim Harris, for the Mr Bambuckle’s Remarkables series. Fans of Wimpy Kid, Dog Man and Real Pigeons will find Arnie and Zeek’s cartoon adventures hilarious. Watch out for Super Geeks #2 because Zeek has threatened to carry out PLAN B. Gotta feel sorry for Arnie!

Themes: Comedy, Adventure, Graphic novel.

Deborah Robins