Stitch by Padraig Kenny

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Stitch by Padraig Kenny is a captivating and thought-provoking fiction novel that intricately weaves themes of friendship, loyalty, and the essence of humanity. The story revolves around two central characters, Stitch and Henry, who share an extraordinary bond. However, what sets their friendship apart is not just their unwavering connection between each other, but the fact that they are not ordinary beings. They are the result of scientific experiments conducted by the eccentric Professor Hardacre in his secluded castle.

Stitch is someone every reader is sure to love. He epitomises all the qualities of a true friend - kindness, acceptance, devotion and honesty, and that of a good person. He has a wonderful outlook on life, seeing each day as a special gift, appreciating the little things and accepting everyone for whoever they are. Stitch displays a level of humanity that challenges the natural order and raises questions about what it means to be truly human.

Stitch and Henry’s life is turned upside down with the arrival of Professor Hardacre's nephew and his young friend, Alice. Their presence in the castle serves as a catalyst for unforeseen events, and Stitch is left confused and unsure about what to do. As the story unfolds, Stitch and Alice must put their differences aside to find Henry. However, when the two find themselves confronted with the ignorance of the town’s people, will they be able to overcome the fear and prejudice that they face?

Kenny masterfully crafts a narrative that is both heart-warming and morally challenging. His portrayal of the characters' emotional connections and sensitivities enables the reader to see things through a different lens. With complex themes to explore, such as the ethics of scientific experimentation, the nature of identity and the power of friendship, this would work brilliantly as a class novel.

Stitch is a remarkable story that combines adventure, emotional depth, and moral questions in a seamless narrative. Entwining the true power of friendship, acceptance and living without bias, this is certainly a memorable and impactful read for all.

Themes: Friendship, Scientific Experimentation, Humanity, Connections, Loyalty, Differences, Bias.

Michelle O'Connell