Star Wars: The original trilogy: A graphic novel

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Hardie Grant Egmont, 2016. ISBN 9781760128180
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away - well it was actually 1977 and the world was very different then - George Lucas released the first of his Star Wars movies and such was its impact that almost 40 years on those who saw it then are still fans and every day it gathers a new cohort, young and not-so-young. Such was the success of the original, plans for more were made and in 1980 it was followed by The Empire Strikes Back and in 1983, The Return of the Jedi.
Since then there have been prequels and sequels and a massive merchandising franchise that it holds the Guinness World Records title for the "most successful film merchandising franchise. With the 40th anniversary clearly in sight this is only going to grow and so the release of a graphic novel - the preferred book format of so many - is sure to build a whole new legion of fans.
Containing the three original films, now dubbed Episodes IV, V and VI this release will appeal to those who are already devotees (so many of my family and friends have asked for the review copies) as well as gather new ones. For those in school libraries it will add another dimension to your Star Wars collections of both fiction and fact which never seem to stay on the shelf and always have a long reserve list, in my experience. Now the core of the phenomenon is accessible to even the most reluctant reader or new English speaker in print format and that alone, makes it a must-have.
Barbara Braxton