Spot's slide-and-seek farm by Eric Hill

Spot appears in a new adventure as he and his dad work on the farm. Each double page has a new chore for Spot to help around the farm. Each shows what the chore is and what Spot must do to be useful and each page has a push and pull insert which adds movement and interest for younger readers.
‘A push and pull adventure’, full of humour will be eagerly sought after by younger readers. The first double age shows Dad collecting eggs from the henhouse while Spot feeds the chickens and hens. The pull out slide shows the grain being thrown from the bucket for the animals to eat. Over the page, lucky Dad is cleaning out the pigsty while Spot collects apples for the animals. The slide shows the piglets eating the apples. Over the page Dad is using the tractor to move the hay bales, with Spot is nowhere to be seen. Eventually Dad finds Spot in the stable with the horses, feeding them apples.
A warm hearted look at the work needed to be done on a farm, this sturdy board book shows a great many details about the work, the animals, clothing and landscape of a farm. Some will be familiar while others will be new to many children, so introducing them to something outside their experience.
Younger readers will love pointing out the animals and what Spot is doing, while helping to pull out the tab which slides across the page.
Themes: Lift the flap book, Spot, Farm life, Humour, Farm animals.
Fran Knight