Scorpion Mountain by John Flanagan

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Brotherband Book 5: Random House, 2014. ISBN: 9781742759364
(Age: 9+) Recommended. 'Thorn, mind your manners,' Hal cautioned. Thorn looked at him, all wide-eyed innocence.
'Just a joke, Hal,' he said. 'I'm sure King here can take a joke.
Duncan finally smiled. 'If I can't, I should never have signed up to be King.' He indicated a low table set by the fireplace, with half a dozen comfortable-looking armchairs set around it.
'Let's sit and get down to business.'
When one assassination attempt on Princess Cassandra of Araluen is foiled, King Duncan calls upon Ranger Gilan and the Heron Brotherband to stop the Scorpion Assassins and prevent them from finishing the job.
Unfortunately, the Scorpion Assassins aren't the only threat. A seaside battle is looming and the Herons are summoned by an old friend to help in this fight.
John Flanagan, the author of Ranger's Apprentice, is a fantastic author and storyteller. Although this a not a book that I found easy to read myself, the Brotherband series is a thrill to read.
I would recommend this novel to children aged 9 and above and of any gender. I would also recommend it to anyone who has read and enjoyed the first four books in the series, as it will not be as confusing if you know the storyline so far.
Jazmin Humphries, Year 7