Ride, Ricardo, ride! by Phil Cummings

Ill. Shane Devries. Omnibus, 2015. ISBN 9781742990736
(Age: 5+) Highly recommended. War. Village life. Hope. Ricardo lives
in a small mountain village in Italy, within a close community. His
father teaches him to ride his bike and he can often be seen riding
through the village, past the old men talking in the streets, past
the workers in the fields and the happy, chasing children. But one
day shadows appear. The village, once open and friendly, now has
closed windows and doors as the noise increases and the sound of
boots becomes louder. Father and Ricardo take apart the bike and
hide its parts. The shadows remain, and one day his father
disappears. The shadows eventually leave and the village returns to
its old self, with singing and dancing, although some of its people
are missing. Ricardo retrieves the pieces of his bike and puts it
back together, because he knows his father would have wanted it that
way. He has grown, the war is over and the memory of his father's
words ring in his ears as he rides his bike once again through the
This wonderful book extolls the persistence of the human spirit, the
perseverance of humanity in overcoming the worst of times to look
forward to a brighter future. The shadows are never articulated, but
they are there, their consequences tangible with the death of
Ricardo's father, the community's fear, with the illustrations
showing the smashed photograph and the bombed buildings.
I love the way Cummings replicates situations, as the end parallels
the beginning with someone calling out, Ride, Ricardo, ride,
underlining again the continuation of life.
And Devries' illustrations are absorbing, with his all-seeing eye
approach, looking down upon so many scenes, making the reader a
spectator, someone spying on this wonderful little community. His
invading force casts long shadows across the pages, the village and
the inhabitants, as well as Ricardo and his bike. Devries uses milky
brown colours to great effect, with little colour showing through on
the pages where the shadows appear, but small touches of colour
underscore the end of war where blue sky appears once again.
Little touches by Devries made me catch my breath. Watch out for the
wonderful image of the kitchen, the shadows of the planes overhead,
and the image of mother comforting Ricardo amongst others.
At a time when more and more picture books about war cross my desk,
this stands out in its depiction of the effect of war upon children
while through it all, life persists.
Fran Knight