Red River stallion by Troon Harrison

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Bloomsbury, 2013. ISBN 9781408819364.
(Age: 12+) Highly recommended. Red River stallion mixes the traditions of the American Indians with the English and Scottish settlers who helped settle America. It is set in the 1830's and revolves around Amelia Otterchild McKenzie, a half Indian half Scottish orphan. She cares for her younger sister and is taken in by members of the Cree tribe and taught to read by white men.
One evening, Amelia is rescued by a large red horse and it is this miraculous event that changes the direction of her life. The two girls set out for the Red River Valley, helping Orchid, the horse's owner, and hoping to find Amelia's long lost father.
The author uses descriptive language to draw you into the life and hardships of Amelia. It is highly recommended for girls, aged 12+, who are independent readers and enjoy dramatic stories. Set against the backdrop of a wild land, Red River stallion is a wonderful blend of history and a girl's search for her father and a place to belong.
Kylie Kempster