Piggy by Trevor Lai

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Bloomsbury, 2017. ISBN 9781681190655
(Age: 6+) Recommended. Friendship. Reading. Loneliness. A little pig called Piggy simply loves to read. He reads day and night in his library, and his favourite book is about two friends. But one day he realises that he is down to his last book. He takes a toy from his storeroom to play with but notices a cat on the swing reading a book. Just what he needs - a friend. He decides that he will need to attract her attention and does various rather spectacular things to do so, but to no avail, she is still reading. He then decides that the best way is to offer her one of his books, and this, after getting over a little hiccup, proves to be successful.
This charming tale of friendship will have broad appeal to younger readers. They will love the things Piggy does to get Kate's attention, and the resolution will ensure that friendship for them includes reading. The illustrations of Piggy are entrancing, and the large glasses and the small hiccup with Kate's vision will endear readers for whom sight is less than perfect. And this may encourage discussion about sight and vision, large print books and glasses in the classroom.
Fran Knight