Percy and his amazing box of disguises by Sally Anne Garland

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The Five Mile Press, 2016. ISBN 9781760400682
(Ages: 3-7) Recommended. Homes, disguises, pets, perspectives. This book sets itself apart with wonderfully unique vintage illustrations. Even the font and the rich colour scheme of greens, browns and reds have a Little Golden Book quality, making it fit it with the slightly retro 'master of disguise' theme. The story revolves around the gloriously named Percy Pimpernel, a rabbit who loves being free (the illustrations perfectly portray his joy of living and his excitable personality). When he sees that there are some animals living in a house nearby he feels sorry for them: they have to wait for their food to be served, go for walks on a lead and live in cages! Percy, wishing for them to be free like him, orders The Big Box of Clever Disguises and hatches a cunning plan. The cat, the dog and the hamsters are happy to be rescued by Percy and have a great day playing in the outdoors, but soon after they miss their little home.
This heartening tale warmly shows that home means different things to different people and that what one person values isn't necessarily the same as another. Young children will love the humour instilled in the story because of Percy's numerous disguises and crazy plan, and will enjoy the fast-paced narrative. This is the first in a planned series of books all about Percy.
Nicole Smith-Forrest