Our mob by Jacinta Daniher & Taylor Hampton. Illus. by Seantelle Walsh

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Our Mob beautifully explores a number of different mobs across Australia. With stunning images and easily accessible text, this book is perfect for children from early years through to middle primary to grow their understanding of First Nations culture. Each mob is presented across a double page spread and gives a welcome in their own language as well as sharing simple stories. From South Australia is the Wirangu People of the Western coastal region:

Wai (hello), my name is Kaiden and I’m a proud Aboriginal kid from Wirangu Country.
I love going camping and fishing with my family.
We collect firewood for our garla (fire) to cook the fish we catch.
My gurndili (aunty) says it’s important to go back to Manda (Country) to reconnect.

The colourful full-page illustrations are striking in their detail and perfectly complement the text.

This wonderful picture book will be an excellent addition to a public or school library and an important resource to use for both Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week. Teacher's notes are available.

Themes: First Nations Culture, Children, Family, Stories.

Kathryn Beilby