One Sunday by Pamela Allen

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Penguin Australia, 2014. ISBN 9780670077656.
Recommended for young readers 3 and up. The indefatigable Pamela Allen has a picture book to delight young readers of any age, focusing on the simple pleasures of the warmth of home and the ritual of family hospitality.
A little old man and a little old woman live in a little old cottage on the edge of the woods. Every week they look forward eagerly to their regular visitors (grandchildren) coming for a special Sunday lunch. One Sunday the terrible weather buffets the little cottage until it shudders and creaks. The little old man confidently begins the usual preparations - fetching the baking dish, peeling the potatoes, while the little old woman is equally sure that no visitors will come on such a dreadful day. Inside the cottage it is cosy and warm and the roast lunch fills the house with the quiet joy of love and welcomes. No grandchildren arrive in the awful storm but there is a surprise visitor who comes knocking on the door and proves a delightful and appreciative guest.
As usual, Pamela makes splendid use of white space with her distinctive illustrations - the double page spreads of the wild wind howling outside are particularly striking.
For almost thirty years we have had the joy of Pamela's wonderful books and this latest one will not fall short with her young readers.
Sue Warren