One book was all it took by Wenda Shurety. Illus. by Amy Calautti

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In searching for a book to read that she had not read before, Violet grabs the one book holding up the kitchen table and sets in motion a chain of happenings that result in her one wish coming true; getting a library in her town.

When the table falls over, dad messes his shirt which needs changing and so he is late for his bus to work. Next door the woman asks him for a new cake recipe and he gives her one, but the resultant cake makes her feel ill so she dumps it in the bin, where her cat eats it. Feeling ill, the cat takes her from her job of repairing the town hall roof which now leaks, causing the clerk to fall down the stairs, spilling the bunch of letters he has in his hand. One drops by the Mayor’s feet and picking it up she reads the letter sent by Violet asking for a town library.

The Mayor smiles recalling the library of her youth and so sets in place the building of a new library for the town.

This neatly resolved story will cause much laughter from the reader, most of whom will know the value of their own community or school library and so feel sympathetic to Violet’s wish. The chain of events set in place, like the old woman who swallowed a fly, come thick and fast, one leading to another. Readers will love seeing the link between each event.

They will certainly enjoy the funny, character filled illustrations. Each person illustrated is quite individual, sparking recognisable attributes which children will enjoy. The book parade the Mayor recalls will have children predicting the book from which each character comes, and the library itself will spark stories of their own use of a library.

Born in London but now living in Brisbane, Wenda enjoys writing for children. Amy, an illustrator from Western Australia enjoys dealing with a fun story creating illuminating illustrations as her Facebook page attests. 

Themes: Libraries, Humour, Family, School, Mayors, Councils.

Fran Knight
