Not here to make friends by Jodie McAlister

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If you’re a fan of romantic comedies, this is the book for you. Readers of YA books will know the work of Jodi McAlister from her Valentine Trilogy. Not Here to Make Friends is the third book in her Marry Me Juliet trilogy for adults, but works very successfully as a stand-alone read.

We meet reality TV producer Murray O'Connell working most hours of the day to complete a series inspired by the Australian ‘The Bachelor’ series. He is determined (or desperate) to create a series that positively represents diversity and rates off the charts. Despite the scripted and controlled nature of the events, dates and interviews, Murray finds his plans sidelined by the machinations of Fireball Lily.

Fireball Lily is the villain of the show. Lily is a witty, manipulative and highly astute contestant. She can spot a weakness and use it to her advantage. This produces hilarity and heartbreak in equal measure. The reader is also brought into the secret that Lily Fireball is AKA Lily Ong, Murray's best friend and work colleague.

Both Murray and Lily are strong and richly drawn characters. We learn more about their life choices as the story moves backwards and forwards in time. Their relationship has the twists and turns, emotional manipulation and loss of moral compass that rivals the most convoluted of TV reality series.

Although this is a work of fiction, the reader can’t help but think it mirrors the world of TV reality shows where what we see is not necessarily what happened. Overall, this is an easy read that will bring a smile and the reward of happy endings.

Themes: Australian Reality TV, Romance, Relationships, Belonging.

Linda Guthrie
