Mr Walker braves the night by Jess Black

Illus: Sara Acton. Penguin Random House, 2019. ISBN: 9780143793106.
(Age: 6-8) Themes: Halloween, Dogs - Fiction, Hotels. Mr Walker is a
resident canine Labrador ambassador and greeter in the Park Hyatt
Melbourne. His affable and accommodating personality makes him an
excellent 'employee' and he is loved by all, but especially by his
family; the hotel staff are also extended family. In this charming
story, Mr Walker gets caught up in the excitement leading up to
Halloween and a visit by the Aunt and cousin of Sophie and Amanda.
There are walks, a few scary stories, some excitement and amazing
activities planned by the incredible staff of the Park Hyatt. The
entire story is focused on the perspective of Mr Walker and his
insights into the Halloween night experience.
This is a lovely tale, as gentle as a Labrador! The Halloween events
and discussions of events such as 'Trick or Treat' or the appearance
of ghosts are also very gently handled, and even the telling of a
'scary' story really only impacts the responses of Mr Walker and the
visiting cousin to some unusual noises. The theme does allow the
possibility of some tension in the telling of the story, and so is a
good preparation for mystery stories. There will be no sleepless
nights for readers! Author Jess Black is also the author of many
books enjoyed by young readers including the series: RSPCA Animal
Tales, Kaboom Kids and Keeper of the crystals. Recommended for
readers who are newly independent readers of chapter books.
Carolyn Hull