Moth in a fancy cardigan by Charlotte Lance and David Booth

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Moth in a Fancy Cardigan, written by Charlotte Lance is a unique and charming story about individuality and expressing yourself. Sharing personal perspectives from both main characters, the reader will find relatability, connection and understanding. The fundamental idea that is interwoven throughout the story is about being able to express and feel comfortable with who you are. An important lesson for us all!

Meet Gary, he is just your average quiet grey moth, who is inconspicuous and blends in with the crowd. He follows rules and get things done on time but is told that he can over think situations. His life is full of grey! Grey clothes, grey furniture, grey lunch…the works, but he desperately would love some colour in is life.

Now meet Florence, she is a beautiful butterfly with amazing rainbow colours and grand beauty. She is one of the popular ones, but constantly feels the pressures to come up to everyone’s expectations; especially as she can be quite forgetful and sporadic, as well as a little bit clumsy and careless at times.

So, when a chance meeting between Gary and Florence comes along, their lives are turned upside down. Who would have thought losing a cardigan could help them discover who they really are and who they want to be.

Charlotte Lance has cleverly created an engaging and emotive novel with endearing characters. A cheerful and refreshing story with insightful perspectives shared by a moth and butterfly. The easy to follow story structure, along with delightful tricoloured illustrations by David Booth will make this story a popular choice!

Themes: Identity, Expression, Friendship.

Michelle O'Connell
