Monkey Mountain by Justin D'Ath

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Extreme Adventures. Puffin, 2010. ISBN 9780143304418
If you are in for action, this would be the right book for you. Monkey Mountain is choc a bloc with non stop action right up to the very last page. When a boy named Sam and his class go on an excursion to Borneo (that's some excursion!) they get much more than they bargained for when faced with an erupting volcano, terrifying monkeys and crocodiles. Sam and his teacher are left behind and are faced with non stop challenges to get back home. It's hectic, crazy, and unbelievable but a fun exciting read that I read from beginning to end in a night.
Justin D'Ath, how do you think up such extreme adventures? I would like to read more from this author, a great one for the boys and girls who don't mind a bit of action.
Heidi Bigg (student)