Message in a sock by Kaye Baillie

Ill. by Narelda Joy. MidnightSun, 2018. ISBN 9781925227383
Highly recommended. Picture book. One hundred years ago and
Australian soldiers are fighting in the waterlogged, mud-filled,
rat-infested trenches of the Western Front and almost as great an
issue as the enemy's bullets is trench foot
where the feet literally rot from being constantly cold and wet. So
the call goes out for 150 000 pairs of socks and the women and girls
left back home start knitting.
Click clack click clack click clack - no matter where you go,
needles are working and socks are rolling off them - long woollen
ones that go up to the knees for added protection and silk knitted
into the heels to make them extra strong. Tammy's father is one of
those away fighting and her mother one of those at home knitting.
Day and night, whenever her hands aren't doing something else, they
are knitting. Tammy's job is to wash the socks before they are sent
away and into each of the ten pairs her mummy knits, she places a
special message to her daddy.
"Dear Daddy, Bless your poor feet. Every stitch is made with love to
help bring you safely home. From Tammy". Then the socks are wrapped
in special paper and taken to join all the other pairs about to be
Will her daddy get a pair of socks knitted by Mummy with their
special message?
Based on a true exchange between Lance Corporal A. McDougall and a
young girl, Message in a sock is another touching and
intriguing story that helps put a human face on World War I making
it easier for young children to understand this nation-shaping
conflict and why the commemoration of its centenary is so important.
Told by Tammy herself, young girls can put themselves in her place
and imagine what it would be like to have their father in mortal
danger each day, far away in an unimaginable place and how even
something as seemingly insignificant as putting a message in a sock
can have such an enormous impact. The tiniest stone thrown into a
small pond can still make a ripple that spreads ever outwards.
With its muted colours but detailed pictures that contain so much
interest, this is another unique story from a time long ago that,
like the impact of Tammy's message in a sock, has the ripple effect
of impacting understanding and perhaps lives. An essential in your
ANZAC Day collection.
Barbara Braxton