Max Booth Future Sleuth: Tape Escape by Cameron Macintosh

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Big Sky Publishing, 2017. ISBN 9781925520606
(Age: 7+) Highly recommended. Max Booth might be on the run, have no parents and no real home but he does have an excellent sense for survival, adventure and amazing resilience. He also has a dog robot called Oscar. What more could a boy want in this futuristic world?
Max and Oscar live, in secret, in the museum and help their friend Jessie out. In return, Jessie looks after them. When Jessie finds an unusual object from the past, Max and Oscar are off to discover what it is. After breaking into a warehouse that houses books from the past, Max discovers the mysterious object is a tape cassette. On it is a long lost recording of David Snowie (love how they have changed the famous names). Unfortunately, Max trusts the wrong person and the tape is stolen. Will Max and Oscar's crazy plan to get it back work?
Max Booth Future Sleuth: Tape Escape is highly recommended for boys aged 7+. Young readers will love reading about such a strong and resilient character like Max. They will laugh at his hi-jinks and imagine the high-tech futuristic world he lives in. Readers will want a robot dog just like Oscar. Max Booth is a quick moving story where good wins over evil. The vocabulary is descriptive and easy to read and will encourage reluctant readers. It is a great first chapter story.
Kylie Kempster