Maisy goes to the city by Lucy Cousins

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Walker Books, 2011. ISBN 9781406327366.
(Ages 5 +) Picture book. A Maisy first experiences book has Maisy and her friend, Charley, going by bus to the city to visit their friend, Dotty. Each stage of their journey is told, the busy road traversed, the large buildings looked at. When Dotty meets them at the station in the city, he takes them to all the sights, the shops, busy streets, up the escalator and the lifts, and helps them buy a present. They then go to a cafe in the square where they eat pizza, and then play in the park. Going back to Dotty's house means finding their way around the underground, and when they return home, they thank Dotty for allowing them to stay.
This cute little book in bold, bright colours, gives an outline of what children can expect when going somewhere to stay. They learn the procedure of what to do when staying with someone and what to expect, what they will see and do. The book will encourage student discussion about travel and going somewhere other than home, and they can share some talk of their own travels. This book would be a good adjunct to a lesson on holidays or living with someone else for a while.
Fran Knight