Love in revolution by B. R. Collins

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Bloomsbury, 2013. ISBN 9781408815700.
(Age: 13 +) Esteya is fifteen, living in a time of impending revolution. Communism is on the rise, unrest growing in her country. Fortunately, her brother is a member of the Revolutionary Communist party and is able to protect her family. But then Esteya befriends a mysterious, wild girl named Skizi, an outcast, and slowly they fall in love. However, Esteya's family is betrayed and taken away, and Skizi goes missing. In the midst of revolution, Esteya must find Skizi, and find safety.
Love in revolution is an unusual, but interesting novel. Most novels about war or revolution either focus mainly on the events themselves, or delve into the relationships of the characters, and this book is the latter. Esteya is a great and well-developed character: strong and kind, and always looking out for the people she loves. Skizi is also an intriguing character, mysterious and wild. Unfortunately, the other characters can sometimes come across as slightly two-dimensional. Otherwise, the author does a great job of weaving a sense of unrest into the novel. It isn't until about halfway through the book that the revolution really begins, but before that there is still a discreet sense of impending turmoil.
If there is one problem with this novel, it would be that it is over almost too quickly, and the pacing leaves a little to be desired. Some scenes feel rushed, while others tend to drag. However, with some tighter editing, it would be a much finer novel.
Love in revolution is an interesting and well-written novel, with some strong characters. Some minor pacing issues aside, it is still an enjoyable read.
Rebecca Adams (Student)