Killswitch by Michael Adams

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The Seven Signs series book 4. Scholastic, 2017. ISBN 9781743628041
(Age: 12+) Recommended. Themes: Cyberterrorism; Adventure; Thriller; Cyber warfare. The drama continues in the fourth book of the Seven Signs series and it seems that the world is falling apart. Cyberterrorism is undermining the technological basis of society and the young teenage DARE winners are implicated in saving another continent from disaster. But will they be too late. And it seems that in the vacuum created by the loss of social cohesion assisted by technology, other evil and violent forces come out to wreak havoc. Is the mastermind losing control or is this part of the plan? This book ramps up the tension and the robot world is fixed in the crosshairs of disaster. But where will society be at the end of the series? And I am looking forward to Book 5 . . . because we are left hanging on the edge at the conclusion of this book.
The futuristic technological world is well and truly under attack, and Adams has escalated the questions for the reader in this series. The main characters are revealed as being incredibly adaptive and willing to go to all lengths to save the world from the advances of the all-controlling Signmaker despite everything falling apart around them. The cliff-hanger ending will increase the chances that readers will keep seeking the next episode of this exciting series.
Carolyn Hull