Joshua Dread: The nameless hero by Lee Bacon

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Hardie Grant Egmont, 2013. ISBN 9781742974125.
(Age: Confident readers) Recommended. Joshua Dread: The Nameless Hero is the second book in the Joshua Dread series which hooks into the current revival of super hero characters made popular by the Avenger movie and books.
Joshua and his friends Sophie and Milton are preparing to enjoy the summer holidays but the last day of year six is a little more exciting than usual. Not only does a mutant substitute Librarian try to kill them, but some mysterious notes suddenly appear warning Joshua before the event. Having disposed of the attacker other envelopes appear this time inviting Sophie and him to attend the Gyfted and Talented summer program.
Developing Gyfts and maybe saving the world concerns Joshua whose parents are supervillans but he is keen to go when Sophie, whose father is the superhero Captain Justice, convinces him to join her. Not to be left out Milton, who has no super talents, joins them with a forged invitation.
The children discover that they along with 2 others have been chosen to help form 'The Alliance of the Impossible, the greatest superhero team of all time'. The return of Phineas Vex, the villian of the first book leads to Joshua saving the life of nFinity, an already famous super hero, and suddenly being thrust into the media spotlight as The Nameless Hero. The media attention creates problems for Joshua with both his friends and family though the threat of being killed by Vex is the greatest problem of all.
Written in the first person we are privy to Joshua's thoughts, feelings and wry observations as he comes to terms with his fame, abilities whilst maintaining his friendships. With clones, all manner of robots, including the hapless butler Elliot, metal eating ants and a plethora of super powered action this series will appeal to confident readers.
Sue Keane