Jorn’s magnificent imagination by Coral Vass and Nicky Johnston

It is the backdrop to the lives of so many, draws millions of visitors from around the world, and yet is so familiar now that many don't even see it.
Who would have thought that such a magnificent structure could grow from a little boy playing with sailboats, watching swans land on water, collecting seashells and flowers, even playing with his breakfast orange peel? And yet it did and in this beautiful retelling of the young life of Jorn Utzon, the reader learns not only of the beginnings of one of the world's most recognisable buildings but the power of the imagination, and the importance of letting dreams lead us into amazing places.
Where might today's discovery take a young person in years to come? Even if it is a wet, indoors day, what might they build from "rubbish" that could become the start of something magnificent? In 50 years, will a nation be celebrating their dreams as they are about to celebrate Jorn's?
Sensitively written and illustrated in a way that doesn't reveal the mystery to the end, this is a book that not only celebrates a little life that has big dreams that come true, but inspires the reader to drift away and imagine... If Jorn could begin a building with orange peels, could they make a city floodproof by playing in their porridge and milk?
Themes: Sydney Opera House, Jorn Utzon.
Barbara Braxton